Biblioteca ISA
ISA Sección Central México
En el mundo de la Instrumentación, el Control y la Automatización, los avances tecnológicos están presentes en cada área de la ingeniería. Por ello, ISA Sección Central México ofrece a sus socios el servicio de biblioteca, que pone a disposición de socios y de toda la comunidad el acervo disponible de libros técnicos especializados y actualizados sobre temas de control para cubrir los requerimientos de cada área. ISA Sección Central México tiene un programa de compra de nuevos títulos y reemplazo de ediciones anteriores. Este programa es prioritario y dedica periódicamente recursos económicos para enriquecer nuestra biblioteca.
Todos los títulos se encuentran al servicio de nuestros socios solo para consulta interna en las oficinas de ISA México en un horario de lunes a Viernes 10:00 a 18:00 horas.
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Títulos disponibles:
"Adaptive control" | Chang C. Tong | ISA | 1993 |
"advanced temperature control" | Gregory K. Millan | ISA | 1995 |
"Advances in industrial computing technology 2000" | Stacy Henkle | ISA | 2000 |
"Aplication concepts of process control" | Paul W. Murrill | ISA | 1988 |
"Appled instrumentation in the process industries" | G. Andrew | Gulf Publishing | 1979 |
"Application of safety instrumented systems for the process industries" | ISA | ISA | 1996 |
"Applied optimal control, optimization estimation and control" | Arthur E, Brynson | Taylor and Francis | 1975 |
"Applyng 588, batch control fom a users perspective" | Jim Parshall | ISA | 2000 |
"Autocad 14" | José Domínguez Alconchel | Mc Graw Hill | 1998 |
"Automation 78" | ISA | ISA | 1978 |
"Automation systems for control and data acquisition" | Lowrence T. Amy | ISA | 1992 |
"Automatismo y control" | T. López Navarro | G.G | 1975 |
"Automatización problemas resueltos de automatas" | J. Pedro Romero | Editorial Paraninfo | 1998 |
"Basic industrial" | Bruce R. Whalen | Retex | 1989 |
"Batch control part1: modelsand terminology" | ISA | ISA | 1995 |
"Batch control systems, design aplication and implementation" | Thomas G. Fisher | ISA | 1990 |
"Batch control" | A.E. Nisenfeld | ISA | 1996 |
"Biomedical sciences instrumentation" | Ruth A. Dyer | ISA | 1994 |
"Calibration: A techicians guide" | Mike Cable | ISA | 2005 |
"Certified specialist examination analytical technology" | ISA | ISA | 1992 |
"CIM in the process industries" | Jhon W. Bernard | ISA | 1989 |
"Computer control strategies for the fluid process industries" | Albert A. Gunkler | ISA | 1990 |
"Conceptual design analysis applied to offshore control systems" | Bill G. Tompkins | ISA | 1992 |
"Continuous process control" | P.G. Friedmann | ISA | 1996 |
"Control center design, guide and terminology" | ISA | ISA | 1995 |
"Control electrónico con el pc" | Patric oguio | ITP | 1997 |
"Control electroneumático y electrónico" | J. Hyde | Alfaomega | 1998 |
"Control room" | Gregory K. Millan | ISA | 1989 |
"Control systems engineering study guide" | ISA | ISA | 1993 |
"Control valve" | Hans D. Baumann | ISA | 1998 |
"Control valvels" | Guy Borden Jr | ISA | 1998 |
"Controles automáticos" | Howard Harrison | Prentice hall | 1969 |
"Corel draw 9" | Daniel Burgos | Mc Graw Hill | 2000 |
"Corel Gallery" | Corel Corporation | Corel Corporation | 1998 |
"Corel Guide" | Corel Corporation | Corel Corporation | 1997 |
"Corel photo-paint 8" | Corel Corporation | Corel Corporation | 1999 |
"Corel photo-paint 9" | Corel Corporation | Corel Corporation | 1998 |
"Curso de robótica" | Rafael Avilés | Editorial Paraninfo | 1989 |
"DC Interfacing and data acquisition" | Kevin James | Newnes | 2000 |
"Defintions and information pertaining to electrical instruments in hazardous loacations" | ISA | ISA | 1991 |
"Design and application of process control systems" | Armando B. Corripio | ISA | 1998 |
"Developing guidelines for instrumentation and control" | N.E. battikha | ISA | 1995 |
"Dictonary of measurement and control:guidelines for quality and productivity" | ISA | ISA | 1995 |
"Digital control system analysis and design" | Charles L. Phillips | Prentice Hall | 1995 |
"Digital fieldbus computer related topics and plant floor communications" | ISA | ISA | 1999 |
"Dinámica de sistemas" | Katsuhiko Ogata | Prentice Hall | 1989 |
"Dispersing heat through conviction" | Gregory K. Millan | ISA | 1999 |
"Easy transister projects you can build" | Robert M. Brown | Tab books | 1969 |
"e-Business in manufacturing" | Shai L.S | ISA | 2002 |
"Economics of control improvement" | Paul G. Friedmann | ISA | 1995 |
"Electrical instruments in hazardous locations" | Ernest Magison | ISA | 1998 |
"Electrical systems for oil and gas production facilities" | David N. Bishop | ISA | 1992 |
"Electronic controllers" | Lawrence M. Thompson | ISA | 1991 |
"Electrónica digital" | Eduardo García | Editorial Diana | 1999 |
"Enciclopedia de corel draw 8" | Jose Luis Oros | Rama | 1998 |
"Enviromental control systems" | Randy Down | ISA | 1992 |
"Enviromental protection by the neutralization of wastewater using PH control" | Ralph L. Moore | ISA | 1995 |
"Essentials of SPC in the process industries" | James M. Pruett | ISA | 1993 |
"Estudio técnico para la sección de instrumentación aplicada a la ing. Petrolera | Jose Antonio Neri Olvera | 1982 | |
"Fiber optic sensor, fundamentals and aplications" | D. A. Krohn | ISA | 1992 |
"Fiber optic sensors" | D. A. Krohn | ISA | 2000 |
"Fieldbus for process control: engineering, operation and maintenance" | Jonas Berge | ISA | 2002 |
"Fieldbus standard for use in industrial control systems" | ISA | ISA | 1997 |
"Flow control" | William S. Buzzard | ISA | 1994 |
"Flow measurement" | W. Spitzer | ISA | 1991 |
"flowmeters" | Furio Cacetta | ISA | 1988 |
"Foundations an programming through basic" | University of oregon | Jhon Wiley and Sons | 1979 |
"Fundamentals of industrial control" | C.C. Albert | ISA | 1992 |
"Fundamentals of process control theory" | Paul W. Murrill | ISA | 2000 |
"Fuzzy modeling and control" | Hung T. Nguyen | CRC Press | 1999 |
"Good tuning" | Gregory K. Millan | ISA | 2000 |
"Graphic symbols for distributed control shared display instrumentation logic and computer systems" | ISA | ISA | 1982 |
"How to become an instrument engineer" | Gregory K. Millan | ISA | 1987 |
"How to program and interface the 6806" | Andrew stauguard | Howard Sams | 1982 |
"industrial data communications" | Lawrence M. Thompson | ISA | 1997 |
"Industrial Electronics" | Royce Gerald kloeffler | Jhon Wiley and Sons | 1960 |
"Industrial fiber optic networks" | John C. Huber | ISA | 1995 |
"Industrial instrumentation techician assessment" | M. Scott Byers | ISA | 1994 |
"Industrial intelligent control" | Yong Zai LU | Jhon Wiley and Sons | 1996 |
"Industrial pressure, level and density measurement" | Donald R. Gillu | ISA | 1995 |
"Ingeniería de control automático" | Jse Nacif Narchi | 1978 | |
"Ingeniería de control moderno" | Benjamin C. Kuo | Prentice hall | 1996 |
"Instrument loop diagrams" | ISA | ISA | 1997 |
"Instrumentación de una planta tratadora de efluentes" | Jose L. Perez Navarro | 1981 | |
"Instrumentación electrónica y técnicas de medición" | William D. Cooper | Prentice hall | 1997 |
"Instrumentación industrial" | Antonio Creus | Alfaomega | 1997 |
"Instrumentación industrial" | Soisson | Limusa | 1997 |
"Instrumentación y control industrial" | Jose Antonio Neri Olvera | ISA | 1998 |
"Instrumentation and control systems documentation" | Frederick A. Meier | ISA | 2004 |
"Instrumentation instllation project management system" | John M. Bacon | ISA | 1989 |
"Instrumentation symposium for the process industries" | Sherrie J. hughes | ISA | 1995 |
"instrumentation, controls and automation in the power industry" | Gordon Mcfarland | ISA | 1995 |
"Instrumentos industriales, su ajuste y calibración" | Antonio Creus | Alfaomega | 1990 |
"Instrumentos para medición y control" | W.G. Holzbock | CECSA | 1991 |
"Inteligencia artificial un enfoque moderno" | Stuar Rusell | ISA | 1996 |
"Introductory experiments in digital electronics and 8080A" | Technibook series | 1978 | |
"ISA certified control systems techician (CCST PROGRAM)" | ISA | ISA | 2002 |
"ISA guide to measurement conversions" | George Platt | ISA | 1994 |
"ISA handbook of control valves" | J. W. Hutchison | ISA | 1990 |
"ISA handbook of measurement equeations and tables" | William H. Cubberly | ISA | 1994 |
Venta de Libros
Atendiendo a las necesidades de nuestros socios y de profesionales en general, ISA Sección Central México tiene a la venta libros que publica ISA, a precios preferenciales para socios, en temas tan variados como: Instrumentación, Mantenimiento y Operaciones, Procesos de Automatización y Control, Medición, Seguridad, Sensores, Sistemas de integración, entre otros.